Understanding starts with Awareness.
Check out some of our blog posts below.
This week, Executive Director Jodi Hansen joins in the celebration of Pride Month and reflects on the injustices that the LGBTQ community shares with incarcerated folks.
Want to get involved in criminal justice reform in Oregon?
Check out these 5 bills that we have chosen to support this legislative session, and need your help to accomplish!
You've heard about "cruel and unusual punishment," but what about cruel and unusual healthcare? Executive Director Jodi Hansen contemplates the health of incarcerated folks and the egregious neglect they face inside.
This week, Executive Director Jodi Hansen reflects on the Derek Chauvin trial and its repercussions. Join her in discussion of the events of the last year, Mass Incarceration, and more.
The topic of episode 7 is one well-known alternative to prison-- drug court. Following up on episode 6, Jodi connects how prison can actually decrease accountability whereas more community-based programs such as drug court can help develop it.
Jodi is back this week to discuss accountability and how it factors into our work with folks coming back from prison. Join her in considering the different aspects of criminal thinking and what it means to be incarcerated without access the support you need.
Today, Executive Director Jodi Hansen tells a couple of stories about some of our Neighbors-in-Transition (or NITs) and how a little help can go a long way.
After a long Covid-induced hiatus the Remnant Initiatives vlog is back! Catch up with Executive Director, Jodi about vaccinations, rural re-entry, and how to move forward in such stressful times.
Growing up on a vineyard outside of Newberg, Oregon, it was easy to love the rolling hills and vibrant wine culture of the Willamette Valley. My mother, father, and stepmother are all in the wine industry, but it took me until recently to realize how this place has shaped me.

The team at Remnant Initiatives is committed to safe & healthy communities. By continually responding, adapting, and updating our COVID-19 safety procedures over the past year and a half, we have been able to keep serving even when other reentry programs stopped. Please join us for #GivingTuesdayNow as we continue to go beyond our ordinary mission during this extraordinary time!