That’s a Wrap!
2021 Annual Report
What’s in a name?
Remnant: something small and oftentimes, leftover or forgotten.
Initiative: an action, often a preliminary action to get something moving forward.
So, Remnant + Initiatives = small actions (as a basic definition).
If we think of our returning citizens as scraps society has thrown away when we put them behind bars, then we can see that Remnant Initiatives are the actions we take to sew those people back into the fabric of our community.
We believe that returning citizens need to take small steps in the right direction to eventually be fully integrated back into our communities.
We believe that community members need to take small steps toward reintegrating our returning citizens so we can all enjoy safer, healthier neighborhoods.
We believe the work we do at Remnant Initiatives is like sewing those throw away pieces back into the quilt of our rich and diverse Yamhill Valley neighborhoods.
How does Remnant Initiatives (RI) support our returning neighbors?
We remove critical barriers to success for our Neighbors-in-Transition (NIT) in early release.
We build pro-social community over time.
We advocate for positive change in the criminal justice system.
We educate the public on why they should care about successful reentry.
Remnant Initiatives started in 2018 with a few volunteers. In the past few years, the number of volunteers has increased. From the start, our volunteers have put tremendous effort into supporting NITs rejoining our community. From 2018 to the end of 2021, our volunteers have put in over 20,000 hours of work to support NITs! Over 6,000 hours were logged in 2021. We were able to serve 84% of Adults in Custody(AIC) releasing to Yamhill County.
The Covid-19 pandemic was still affecting and shaping how we operated during 2021. As Omicron cases increased, we have been able to start shifting back to our normal release day plans consisting of getting a meal, visiting their PO, going to the DMV to get an ID, and getting basic clothing and hygiene products. We are always looking for folks who care about the community safety and wellbeing to serve with us.